Past Community Project Funding Requests
Past Community Project Funding Requests
Albert Lea Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements: $5,000,000
Alpha Clean Water Improvements: $4,774,103
Alpha Drinking Water Improvements: $4,112,098
Fairmont Wastewater Treatment Facility: $5,000,000
Intersection at County State Aid Highway 44 and U.S. Highway 14: $5,000,000
Mankato Regional Wastewater Disinfection System Upgrade: $5,000,000
Martin County Regional Public Safety and Justice Center: $2,000,000
New Ulm Municipal Airport Crosswind Runway: $2,500,000
Rochester 4th Street Roundabout: $2,000,000
Rock County West 2 Tower: $4,500,000
Sorin’s Bluff Reservoir Rehabilitation: $500,000
Waseca 1.0 million Gallon Water Tower: $3,000,000
Waseca Sanitary Sewer Clean Water Inflow and Infiltration Reduction: $3,000,000